
Intro to Wickology: Hemp Wick is a Smoker’s Best Friend 

By: Ellie Jacobs


We all enjoy a morning bowl pack after a long night out or ripping a gravity bong before a feast, so why not take better care of our lungs, if we are going to do so?

Cannabis has been used in various ways for thousands of years, but recently, twenty-three states and the District of Columbia have legalized cannabis for medical use and a majority of Americans are in favor of recreational legalization according to National Geographic. Since legalization, numerous studies have been conducted in relation to the health effects of marijuana on various parts of the body, including the lungs…

Good News for Smokers?

As reported in “Association Between Marijuana Exposure & Pulmonary Function Over 20 Years”, a study by Mark J. Pletcher, MD, MPH, et al, at the University of California, San Francisco, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), it was concluded that “For marijuana, we found strong statistical evidence that associations between marijuana use and pulmonary function were nonlinear.”

“Butane lighters work by releasing liquid butane, stored in a pressurized chamber, in a narrow stream of gas. A spark, made by striking a flint with steel or by compressing piezoelectric crystal, ignites the gas.”
Steve Gross,

"How Do Butane Lighters Work”

Have you ever considered the effects of inhaling butane gas when smoking and the effects this specifically has on your lungs?

When you smoke a bowl or hit a bong or light a joint with a lighter, you are inhaling hazardous fumes and chemicals that will burn your throat and lungs. Using Hemp Wick can save you from all of that and provide a healthy and tastier smoke.

So, what is Hemp Wick and why not just use a lighter, you ask?

Organic Flame Hemp Wick is a fire-starter made of hemp fibers and coated in beeswax. If you haven’t smoked using Hemp Wick before, then you may not realize how damaging smoking with a butane lighter is for your body. The chemicals can be damaging, the hot flame can cause harm, and natural smells of your fresh green will, well..go away.

When you light a bowl pack for the first time using Hemp Wick, not only will you feel a smoother hit on your throat, but you will also taste a better flavor because it won’t be tainted with chemicals.

Beyond smoking, OrganicFlame Hemp Wick can be utilized for lighting candles and bonfires, and can even be used to attract bees if you wrap it around plants – hooray for pollination!

At OrganicFlame, our Hemp Wick is crafted ethically with Michigan beeswax and organic honey to give you the best burn. Hemp Wick is small, easy to transport, and simple to use.

Grab a lighter to light the Hemp Wick, then use the Hemp Wick to light your bowl or piece. This is a natural, alternative process to smoke marijuana and other products, like cigars, without inhaling unhealthy chemicals. Once you start smoking with OrganicFlame Hemp Wick, using a lighter will never feel the same!

Use the code STAYLIT for a discount you don’t want to miss.
Make a healthy choice this summer and choose hemp wick!

Happy smoking!
